
Showing posts from February, 2018

Mani Raj Paul - GSM

Global System for Mobile Communication Technology Global system for mobile communication (GSM) is a globally accepted standard for digital cellular communication. GSM is the name of a standardization group established in 1982 to create a common European mobile telephone standard that would formulate specifications for a pan-European mobile cellular radio system operating at 900 MHz. It is estimated that many countries outside of Europe will join the GSM partnership. Introduction: The Evolution of Mobile Telephone Systems Cellular is one of the fastest growing and most demanding telecommunications applications. Today, it represents a continuously increasing percentage of all new telephone subscriptions around the world. Currently there are more than 45 million cellular subscribers worldwide, and nearly 50 percent of those subscribers are located in the United States. It is forecasted that cellular systems using a digital technology will become the universal method of tele...

Mani Raj Paul - What is Water??

What is Water?? Water is largely discussed from a physical or a normative perspective. From a physical perspective, discussions are usually limited only to the terrestrial part of the hydraulic cycle, comprised of blue water,green water and gray water1 Much of the discussion focuses on blue water, differentiating between surface water and groundwater These conflicting normative views of water have practical ramifications, as each is associated with a different management approach. Thus, the often acrid arguments between these views are closely intertwined with conflicts over concrete policy measures (Bakker, 2007). A common feature in these normative discussions is their view of water as a unitary substance. That is, participants refer to all the (usually blue) water as ‘water’. Yet, this has not always been the case. The view that water is a single substance, due to its chemical composition, is modern (Linton, 2010). In the past, water was viewed in the plural term, ‘waters’, c...